We Honor Our Founder & Foundation
Some call him Bishop, Pastor, Superintendent, or even Papa. However, our founder is a true servant of the Lord.
Pastor James L. Williams Sr. uses the word “miracle” when he describes the birth of Greater Mt. Hebron. He started in ministry at the age of 14 years old in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. As a well-known guitarist and an organist, he moved to Milwaukee, WI. to stay in the home of Bishop W.L. Morris and assist him in the music department in 1957. Shortly after, he worked as assistant pastor at Philippian Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Elder Brady Lenorr for six years. During this time, Elder Williams also was working toward a degree in theology from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. Upon graduation, he followed the leading of the Lord to pursue his call to the pastoral office.
After three unusual visits in Kenosha, WI, Pastor Williams felt a strong call to Pastor in this location. Once he surveyed the area, he found that there were few African American people living in Kenosha, but he was confident that the Lord wanted him there. Seeking God in prayer about the potential location, he was assured that Kenosha was a place he must start the ministry. As he obeyed God, he found an apartment and began having prayer services in his home. Prayer services were powerful and when the apartment became too crowded, the young congregation moved into a store front location on 63rd street for a short period of time. Continuing to grow, they would soon move into a building formerly known as the Lincoln Theatre.
From the newly acquired building, Pastor Williams and the church offered services to families from the community. The church provided a place for young people in the neighborhood to come and engage in activities they would enjoy. Increasing the focus on serving the community, the church organized food pantries, and engaged in partnerships to help further the work of the Lord. “Obeying God and committing to His work pays off”, says Pastor Williams. Within 11 years Pastor Williams and the congregation paid off its third location of worship. In June of 2018, Bishop Sedgwick Daniels and representatives from Wisconsin First Jurisdiction came for a historical mortgage burning service. It was at least 54 years that Pastor Williams has lead the Greater Mt. Hebron C.O.G.I.C. Pastor Williams says, “not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit that all things have been done.”
Shortly after the 54th year, Pastor Williams turned over the helm of leadership of the local church and received the Apostolic Mantle. He now serves as an Apostolic advisor and spiritual covering for the Kingdom Living Fellowship of Churches. The church is now thriving under the direction Pastor Curtiss and under the new leadership the church has adopted a Kingdom Living ministry approach and is expanding ministry beyond denominational walls. By the grace of God, miracles, signs and wonders are happening every week!
Thank you Apostle J. L. Williams. We stand on the shoulders of the many years that you've labored in love for God and his people.